

Articles for architecture

GRA marks the beginning of an effort that aims at the collection of useful material that will function as a data-base as well, through the registering of news, events and points of view.

Even if each and everybody 's knowledge is only partial and finite, which is to be expected, there is always in it a small part that belongs to a bigger truth.

For this reason the views of all colleagues, be it young or old, experienced or "rookies", academics or not, are very important to GRA, no matter how dogmatic or heretic they are. They are important indeed in the same way that is considered important the right to live in well-designed buildings/cities that are in tune with our natural environment, or whatever remains out of it.

With these thoughts we call all who want to participate to this effort to submit articles presenting their ideas and opinions.  

Technical details for the publication of articles
(It is requested to read the text carefully before submitting an article)

We inform you that the articles - personal researches, are supposed to be dispatched, with the text in word form and the photographs in form jpeg. In the case that the volume of all the above does not exceed 10 Mb, it can be sent via email in the following address:, otherwise (in cd) via post at the address of our e-magazine.

The photographs must not be more than 15 (unless they are small, then you can send some more), as well as it will be supposed to attach them in the email that you will separately send to us and not in word text. The size of the photographs and their technical elaboration will be made by our technical team. We emphasise that the photographs should be yours, or you should have written authorization of their holder (which must be sent to us) or that they are not protected with Copyright.

There is no restriction regarding the size of the text. Regarding the word document you have to mark the place of each photograph with the number or its 'name' (in bold), as the caption (if it exists) and the source of each photograph. Each article should be also accompanied of a small subtitle (max 2-3 lines), which will supplement the title and a photograph that will all be placed in a "technical level" before the reader selects to read the article.

Contemporaneously with the mission of your article, you have to send to us by post (simple mission and not as a registered letter) in the address of our e-magazine your formal concession of the article which you will find - "download" from the following link:      

As you will realize, the concession is formal and it does not commit your text. (We request that you notify us when you think that temporally we will be supposed to have received the document)

For further detail please contact us.
Editorial & Marketing Department: Rovertou Galli 35, Acropolis
Call: +30 210 3636631



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